Where do we get our funds from?

Over the last 5 years our turnover has averaged about £60,000 a year. This funding comes from numerous different sources. Please see our financials page for a more detailed breakdown of income and expenditure.

Swallow Hill Homes
Property Developers’ Swallow Hill Homes is run and owned by one of our trustees & contribute towards our running costs although the recent downturn in the market has meant this hasn’t been at the level of the initial years. Going forward we expect this to be around a third of our turnover.

We have applied to the North Carr Area Committe and other small funds for grants for revenue and capital costs. Over the past 2 years the North Carr Area Committe and the High Sheriff and Humberside police tribune trust have helped fund our 1-1 work and building/security costs. In September 2013 we received grants from Hull sports development and North Carr area committee’s community initiative budget in order to run a weekly trip to the aquatic youth club session at Ennerdale leisure center.

In July 2013 we received a Red nose day grant which, together with some funding from Ride Yorkshire, is enabling us to take 10 young people for a series of riding lessons at Bleach yard stables in Beverley during the Autumn/winter. Ride Yorkshire are also funding a “Pony party” for 20 children and young people from the Bransholme estate – this will be the fourth pony party they have funded for us. It is an afternoon full of fun in the East Yorkshire countryside, with games on ponies and party food.

Additionally one of our young people secured funding from O2 to improve the courtyard area which now has flowers and seating.

Private Individuals
This year we have received donations from two parents. One of whom raised the money by completing the three peaks challenge!

Registered Charity Number: 1123951 / Company Incorporation Number: 6467743